Archive | March, 2012

A Real Boy! (A Real Growth!)

29 Mar

Alright, this growth journal we found on 420 Magazine may not have been kept by a boy but rather by a full-grown man, but we were excited to find this nonetheless. He chronicled his growing journey, gave tips on where to buy things, and even provided some funny side commentary.

He bought the Phototron Pro, created a growing tent, and cloned his babies. He even named all of the growths. We believe that really helps with not only keeping track of your growths, but also truly caring for them as well. Here are a few pictures from his growing experience.

We love how the Phototron Pro lights up his room like a party.

Seedlings joining the party!

Beautiful growing greens…

Follow J9Black’s whole growing story here and get inspired to grow on!


5 Reasons Why You Should Grow Indoors

19 Mar

#1 Growing Year Round
Being able to grow in a controlled environment is one of the greatest benefits of an indoor growing system. In addition to providing shelter from inclement weather like snow, frost, humidity and heat waves, gardeners can control the weather and the number of daylight hours.

#2 Growing in Small Areas
No need to clear out a closet or a room—every Phototron hydroponic grow cabinet is only 21 inches wide and deep, so it takes up less than two square feet of indoor floor space. That means that they can be located almost anywhere, even a kitchen countertop.

#3 Protecting Plants from Invaders
There is nothing worse to gardeners than going out to harvest their crops and finding that a gopher, rabbit, or burglar literally ate their lunch. Indoor growing prevents these types of situations.

#4 Eliminating Pesticides and Contaminants
Personal indoor gardens eliminate the health risks associated with things like pesticides, E. coli and salmonella. Your plants go from your plant to your plate. You know what’s in your plant.

#5 Saving Money
Phototron systems take advantage of energy-saving LED technology. Phototron’s vertical system, which produces only the red and blue spectrums that the plants want and need to grow, cost on average 20 cents per day to operate.

(Taken from PRWeb)

First Phots

19 Mar

The time is upon us where “growing your own” is not only feasible, but also highly attractive. With the realization that millions are against Monsanto’s incessant cases and the feds are cracking down on dispensaries, growing comfortably and privately within the walls of your own home are the next steps in personal gardening and Phototron is happy to contribute those steps as a leader in hydroponic growing systems.

ThoughtPhot is the humorous stream of consciousness of Phototron and a guide for all things inspiring the indoor-growing revolution. Hope you can join and enjoy!

Grow on,