Tommy Chong believes Obama will legalize marijuana to win 2012 election

28 Jun

Marijuana advocate and legendary comedian, Tommy Chong took some time for an interview on Fox News to announce his take on marijuana legislation and where its going. Chong had been in the news recently announcing his method of treatment for prostate cancer was cannabis (which he also discusses in this interview). But this go round he discussed the future he felt Obama would play in marijuana legalization.

The host theorized that Obama had made statements regarding deportation and gay marriage to try and pull in hispanic and homosexual vote, respectively. He then asked Tommy if he thought he may relax marijuana legislation to try and gain youth votes. Tommy thought he would have to and almost guaranteed it. “Yeah I think it’s a 100% chance. If he wants to get elected he has to legalize pot, there’s no other way.”

The host then said that voters in California chose not to legalize in recent elections to which Tommy replied that it was due to right wing money being poured into the campaign to stop legalization. He felt the medical industry didn’t want to have marijuana legalized for competitive reasons.

He wanted to see marijuana rescheduled by Obama from schedule 1 to schedule 2, which would allow doctors to prescribe marijuana for anyone.

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