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Using your Phototron Step 6: Preparing your 1/96, 1/48, and 1/16 FEED

28 Aug

The next step in our “Using Your Phototron” Series is preparing your 1/96, 1/48, and 1/16 feed jugs. You use these three jugs to water your plants during germination. You will want to use 1 gallons jugs of either distilled (or RO water) along with your CV concentrate.

1. For your 1/96 Feed: mix 3 tablespoons of your CV concentrate into the gallon jug and shake it up.

2. For your 1/48 Feed: Pour out 3/8 of a cup of your water and replace it with 3/8 of a cup of CV concentrate. Shake it up.

3. For your 1/16 Feed: Pour out a cup of water and replace it with a cup of CV concentrate. You guessed it, shake that one up as well.

You now have your Feed jugs prepared. Stay tuned for the next steps.Got some questions? Message us at or email us at

Using your Phototron Step 4: Germinating your seeds

24 Jun

It’s Germination Time Folks! In this week’s “Using Your Phototron” post, it’s time to show you how to germinate your seeds now that they have been planted and placed in the Phototron.

1. Set Phototron Light to stay on for 24 hours a day

2. Water each germination cup with 1/6 to 1/3 cup of distilled or RO water. A puddle must remain in the cup for 23 hours. As the process goes on, you can start finding the exact amount of water to allow for that 1 hour empty period. The puddle should only be up to 3 inches.

Stay tuned for our next step, preparing your full potency concentrate solution, or just check out our youtube pages for more from the Phototron Girl:

Using Your Phototron: Preparing the Germination Cups and Planting Seeds (Step 3)

15 Jun

We’re continuing our series on how to use your Phototron. This week Cristine is going to show you how to prepare germination cups and how to plant your seeds.

1. Place sphagnum into cups – Pack the cup about a 1/2 inch below the rim, use about 6 cups

2. Spread seeds on top of the soil – use about 10 seeds per cup. Be sure to read the seed packets so you know how much soil to place above the seeds

3. Cover your seeds with an additional 1/2 inch of soil by filling the rest of the cup – Don’t pack the soil in the cup, just lay it on top of the seeds. Packing the cup will slow or stop germination

4. Place the cups inside of the Phototron – Dig a hole for each cup in the soil about a 1/4 inch deep. This is to make sure they don’t wobble around. Also be sure they are positioned in between the lamps.

5. Use a 25-watt bulb (no higher that this wattage) and place it 3 inches above the plants.

Using Your Phototron: Preparing the Sphagnum (Step 2)

15 May

Step 2: Preparing the Sphagnum

Sphagnum Moss: Moss usually found in bogs or marshes. A fantastic plant cultivator. Retains water well and has low pH levels.

  1. Things to buy:
    • rubber gloves
    • trash bag
    • 6 gallons of distilled water OR Reverse Osmosis water (without salt added)
    • DO NOT use tap water
  2. Empty and mix moss into trash bag
  3. Pour CIV75 formula into one of the jugs of water and SHAKE thoroughly.
  4. Pour jug of water into trash bag of moss.
  5. Mix the moss with your hands.
  6. Place prepared soil into Phototron.
  7. Cover base of Phototron evenly.

Welcome to our Using Your Phototron video series! We figured step-by-step pictures are great, but videos are even better in helping you along your growing journey. If you are a brand new owner of a Phototron or are looking into indoor gardening, follow these videos to success. If you ever have any questions, message us at or email us at

We look forward to helping you grow!

Using Your Phototron: Designate a Grow Area (Step 1)

2 May

STEP 1: Designate Your Grow Area

  • Place in a flat, sturdy surface
  • Place in a room with proper ventilation
  • Closets, small bathrooms, bedrooms should be avoided
  • Room temperature must be between 70-95 degrees

Welcome to our Using Your Phototron video series! We figured step-by-step pictures are great, but videos are even better in helping you along your growing journey. If you are a brand new owner of a Phototron or are looking into indoor gardening, follow these videos to success. If you ever have any questions, message us at or email us at

We look forward to helping you grow!